Sophisticated garment construction and manufacturing processes within a competitive and challenging environment characterised the clothing manufacturing industry. The garment products manufactured must meet a wide variety of specifications, related to quality, customer and consumer, contextual (i.e. leisure, sport, work, fashion) and even safety specifications. The industry has to respond to quality issues and increasing competition in export, import, and domestic markets while ensuring the global competitiveness of products and profitability of the companies. Within the garment construction and manufacturing industry, people working as patternmakers and graders require specialised technical skills and knowledge about the construction of garments and the properties and characteristics of the textiles used meeting garment specifications critical to the manufacturing process and quality assurance practices. Patternmakers and graders need to put processes in place to adapt to and meet the requirements of the constantly changing manufactured products.
Patternmakers and graders form part of the backbone of the fashion/clothing manufacturing industry since the patterns they create are very important to produce the final clothing product.
This qualification provides an opportunity for learners who exit the schooling system, but who wish to continue to obtain occupation-specific knowledge and skills to develop such competencies and also to receive formal recognition for the skills they have acquired in this specific occupational area. It creates the opportunity for learners to improve their employability and at the same time creates opportunities to study further in their chosen field. It also presents an opportunity for persons who have been operating in the industry, without the formal qualification as recognition for their skills and competencies acquired in the workplace. Other suitable employment opportunities will include production assistants, merchandise assistants, specification technicians and assistant stylists.
Because of the ongoing support by the government, the sector is in a growth phase due to new employment opportunities. Employment will be mainly with clothing manufacturing companies and
government initiatives. However, self-employment is another possibility which could lead to a sustainable small business.
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL):
More information to come
In-person learning: 4-6 hours every day excep weekend
Course starting date :
application fee R420
fee :
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