1. Title: Distance Provisioning Policy for the Fashion Institute of Advanced Learning (FIAL)


2. Purpose

Distance and online learning have increased in demand as more school and places of work move into the era of the 4IR. Technologies now facilitate seamless lessons and examinations, making online education ideal for individuals facing accessibility and geographical challenges, among other considerations. This Distance Provisioning Policy shall establish a comprehensive framework for FIAL’s academic community engaged in online learning, outlining the processes and standards for effective curriculum delivery.

3. Scope

This policy applies to:
  • All academic programs, courses and activities conducted by FIAL which provide distance learning as a teaching mode.
  • Students.
  • Parents and/or guardians.
  • Lecturers.
  • Administration staff.

4. Introduction

The distance provisioning framework shall be read in conjunction with the Fashion Institute of Advanced Student Support Services policy, Plagiarism policy, FIAL’s Code of Conduct, pandemic policy, Quality Management System Policy, code of practice, the higher education act 61 of 2008 the National Qualifications Framework Act 67 of 2008 South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) guidelines, Protection of Personal Information Act (POPIA), 2013 (Act No. 4 of 2013) FIAL’s academic policies. Constitution of South Africa, 1996 (Chapter 2 – Bill of Rights), Council on Higher Education (CHE) Policies, Further Education and Training Colleges Act, 2006 (Act No. 16 of 2006), Skills Development Act, 1998 (Act No. 97 of 1998), National Policy for the Implementation of Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL), Basic Conditions of Employment Act, 1997 (Act No. 75 of 199) Quality Council for Trades and Occupations (QCTO) Regulations
  • Definitions
  • Policy Statement
  • Rationale
  • Modes of delivery
  • Eligibility criteria for distance learning
  • Learner Management System for distance leaning
  • Support services for distance learning
  • Responsibility
  • Distance learning compliance
  • Confidentiality assurance
  • Impact assessment
  • Review and monitoring
  • Approval and effective date

5. Definitions

  • The/this policy: Distance provisioning policy.
  • Online Learning: A method of instruction that is delivered electronically through various multimedia and internet platforms and applications.
  • Exploitation: When someone or something is taken advantage of for the gain of another party\
  • Plagiarism: To steal and pass off (the ideas or words of another) as one’s own.
  • Integrity: The quality of being honest and having strong moral principles.
  • Critical Thinking: The act or practice of thinking critically (as by applying reason and questioning assumptions) to solve problems, evaluate information, discern biases, etc.
  • Innovation: The creating and use of new ideas and methods.
  • Transparency: Being open an honest about the processes, decisions and outcomes of academic activities.
  • Academic Dishonesty: Committing or contributing to dishonest acts y those engaged in teaching, learning, research and related academic activities.
  • 4IR: Fourth Industrial Revolution. An era where people are using smart, connected and converged cyber, physical and biological systems and smart business models to define and reshape the social, economic and political sphere.
  • Lagging: When there is a delay between the user doing something and the computer or game reacting to it.
  • LMS: Learner Management System
  • AI: Artificial Intelligence. Set of technologies that enable computers to perform a variety of advanced functions and/or tasks that are commonly associated with the intellectual process’s characteristic of humans.
  • POPI Act: Protection of Personal Information Act. A Privacy law that safeguards the integrity and sensitivity of private information.

6. Policy Statement

The Fashion Institute of Advanced Learning strives to ensure that qualifications and subjects with distance learning are of the same quality and adhere to the same rules and regulations as in-person lessons and qualifications. Exploitation of online learning such as cheating and plagiarism will not be tolerated and carry the same weight as those of in-person lessons and qualifications.
Students are expected to be on time for lessons, engage in class discussion, to cite their material, provide original materials and participate in online exams truthfully without cheating.

7. Rationale

This policy at FIAL shall strategically address the evolving educational landscape shaped by the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR). By eliminating geographical barriers, it enhances accessibility and inclusivity, allowing diverse students to engage in high-quality fashion, textile, and manufacturing education. The flexible online and hybrid models accommodate personal and professional commitments, catering to non-traditional learners. Aligning with industry demands, FIAL’s curriculum integrates advanced technologies, ensuring students are proficient in essential tools. Distance learning ensures resilience and continuity during disruptions, (pandemic or political instability) promotes cost-effectiveness and sustainability by reducing physical infrastructure needs, fosters technological advancement and innovation, and facilitates global collaboration and networking. Overall, FIAL’s distance learning framework provides accessible, flexible, and high-quality education that meets industry advancements and nurtures essential academic values, positioning the institute as a leader in innovative and inclusive education.

8. Modes of Delivery

At FIAL (Fashion Institute of Advanced Learning), the delivery of lectures and examinations during distance learning is meticulously structured to ensure educational excellence, integrity, and accessibility. The following outlines the primary modes of delivery.

   8.1. LMS -Tool and Method

Lectures shall be delivered using one on the following platform embedded in FIAL’s LMS:

8.1.1 Live Virtual Sessions:  Utilize Zoom and Google Meet for real-time lectures. Lectures shall be interactive elements like Q&A, polls, and breakout rooms to foster active participation.
8.1.2 Record all live sessions and shall be made make them available on the Learner Management System (LMS)for later review.
8.1.3 Recorded Lectures: Provide pre-recorded video lectures with accompanying notes and materials on the LMS.
8.1.4 Depending on the lesson, lecturer shall allow students to learn at their own pace while ensuring access to essential content.
8.1.5 Webinars and Workshops; Host webinars and hands-on workshops with industry experts to enhance practical skills and knowledge.  

   8.2. Examinations

The lecturer shall communicate procedure for online formative assessment to students:
Assessment can be conducted through the LMS with secure, timed testing environments and might include multiple-choice, short answer, essay, and practical assignments to comprehensively assess student performance.
Integrity: Implement AI-driven automated proctoring and, when necessary, live proctoring to prevent academic dishonesty during exams.

   8.3. Flexible Assessments:

Practical Projects: Require project submissions, virtual demonstrations, or video recordings for courses needing hands-on evaluation.

   8.4. Lecturers

When conducting live distance teaching the lecture shall use tools embedded in LMS for the following: 

8.4.1 Capturing attendance of students.
8.4.2 Arranging online lessons via Zoom and Gmeet.
8.4.3 Creating lesson plans.
8.4.4 Creating homework, tests and exams.
8.4.5 Mark and evaluate homework, assignments, tests and exams.
8.4.6 Posting results of assignments, tests and exams.
8.4.7 Post submission dates for homework and assignments.
8.4.8 Communicating with students.
8.4.9 Keeping track of the progress of their curriculum. The LMS will be used to provide feedback to students regarding their work

   8.5. LMS for Students

During distance learning the student shall use tools embedded in LMS for the following: 

8.5.1 Submit homework as soon as they have completed it.
8.5.2 Stream live lessons via Zoom and Gmeet.
8.5.3 See their timetable and lesson plan for each subject.
8.5.4 See the lectures they have and in which class each subject is taught.
8.5.5 Have access to their results as soon as they are published.
8.5.6 Can review their lecturers.
8.5.7 Their dashboard has the noticeboard for school announcements.
8.5.8 Their homework list is on the dashboard.

The use of the LMS provides efficiency so that students have access to communication from their lecturers or administration, reminders for homework or assignments that are due, and they can edit their profiles should there be changes that the administrative staff needs to have on file.

   8.6. LMS for Parents / Guardians

When conducting live distance teaching the parent shall use tool embedded in LMS to access the following: 
8.6.1 The student’s subjects.
8.6.2 The class timetable, teachers and classes where lessons take place.
8.6.3 Student’s homework list.
8.6.4 Noticeboard with school announcements.
8.6.5 Progress tracker of the curriculum.
8.6.6 Student’s profile and school fee information.
8.6.7 Access to exam timetable and results.  

9. Eligibility Criteria for Online Learning

Online learning at FIAL is selectively available based on the nature of the qualification or subject being taught. Hybrid lessons, combining online and face-to-face instruction, are provided to optimize learning outcomes, especially for courses requiring specialized machinery not readily accessible to students remotely.

9.1 Student responsibilities 

9.1.1 As a student at FIAL, you play a crucial role in ensuring a successful distance learning experience. It is your responsibility to:
9.1.2 Plan your study time to complete and submit assignments by their deadlines.
9.1.3 Regularly check your timetable and lesson plans to prepare and join online classes punctually.
9.1.4 Use a computer that meets Fial’s specifications, along with a reliable webcam and mouse.
9.1.5 Install and regularly update necessary software for tasks like technical drawings and pattern making to prevent computer overload and overheating.
9.1.6 Adhere to the provided technology guidelines to avoid technical issues that could disrupt your learning.
9.1.7 Ensure you have a dependable internet connection to fully participate in live lessons without interruptions.
9.1.8 Check your internet connection before each online lesson to prevent audio or video lag and ensure clear communication.
9.1.9 Stay informed about load shedding schedules to anticipate and manage potential power cuts. If possible, inform your lecturer in event of load shedding not to mark absent 
9.1.10 If a power outage is expected during a lesson, arrange to use Fial’s campus facilities for access to power and the internet in advance.

10. Learner Management System for Distance Learning

All distance learning at FIAL must be conducted exclusively through the LMS unless otherwise specified. The LMS serves as the central platform for administration, teaching, and assessments, ensuring a cohesive and efficient learning environment for all members of the academic community

11. Support Services for Online Learning

The Fashion Institute of Advanced Learning’s support services for online learners are devoted to a smooth and quick process to ensure issues and inquiries are resolved as efficiently as possible, as to not slow or halt the student’s access to education. 

11.1 Support on the LMS

Students with issues regarding their profile on the LMS can send an email to support@fial.co.za. The issues will be as soon as possible so that learners have access to their profile, as this is where the majority of their work will be done.

11. 2 Administrative Support 

For inquiries regarding administrative support, an email can be sent to support@fial.co.za and the administration staff will be able to assist the student.

11.3 Academic and Career Support

Students have can communicate individually with their lecturers for academic and career assistance through the following channels:
  • The LMS has a WhatsApp feature to text lecturers for queries. This can be used as a form of communication between student and lecturers.
  • Students can email a lecturer directly, where information on their enquiry can be looked over and a meeting (online or face-to-face during school hours) can be organised.

11.4 General Enquiries

  • Any general information or clarification needed by students, alumni or prospective students can be looked for on the school website, www.fial.co.za.
  • Students, alumni, or prospective students can email in to admin@fial.co.za on questions they may have.
  • Students, alumni, or prospective students can call +2710 021 0710 on questions they may have.

12. Responsibility

This policy framework shall be overseen and managed together, by the Head of Academics and the Head of Administration. They will be responsible for its implementation and compliance.
It is the responsibility of the Fashion Institute of Advanced Learning to educate its lecturers and staff on the full use of the LMS. This will be done so that they can streamline their work, making them effective and efficient in their duties. 
It is the responsibility of the Administration staff to ensure that the usernames and passwords are sent out to students and their parents and/or guardians so that they can access the LMS.
It is the responsibility of the Academic staff to ensure that work that applies for online learning is suitable for use on the LMS. This is to ensure little issues with uploading information, creating and publishing marks, etc don’t occur. This is so that lessons are not slowed down or halted due to formatting and compatibility issues.
It is the responsibility of lectures of FIAL to have an induction process for the use of the LMS with their learners. It is important that learners know the use of the LMS as this is where the majority of their learning will occur. They will find their timetables (class and exams), assignments, homework, etc on the system. Once they can navigate the LMS they will know where they can find anything they need, which is especially helpful for online learners who are not on campus on a regular basis.
It is the responsibility to ensure that of the lecturers to ensure that work and lesson plans are uploaded in a timely manner. 
Lecturers must ensure that their online lessons are recorded. In cases where a student is not available due to circumstances out of their control (death of a family member, illness, unscheduled power and internet outages, etc) and the teacher was alerted on time, the lecturer can send the recording to the student so that they can be kept abreast of their lessons.
It is the responsibility of the learners to attend the induction lessons and to also explore the LMS so that they can navigate it. This process will ensure for a smooth online learning experience and easy and quick access to information and work. Learners are expected to participate and engage in the live lessons and in doing so they have to always keep their cameras/webcams on and ensure that they are in a quiet place so that they can hear lessons and that they are audible during discussions. 
Students shall adhere to submission dates for all homework and assignment submissions. The dates will be available on the LMS.

13. Online Learning Compliance

Online Learning provides some distance between student and lecturer, this separation can be exploited for the completion of homework, assignments and exams. The exploitation of this separation goes against the value of integrity which is upheld by the Fashion Institute of Advanced Learning.

Plagiarism in all its forms is taken as a serious offence as it goes against the conduct of integrity, transparency, critical thinking and innovation. The act of plagiarism has consequences as a minor as fail grade and as serious as expulsion. This will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.
Work found to be using AI software for its creation and completion will be treated as plagiarism. The same rules and disciplinary actions will be in effect for this offence.
Students found to be cheating for close book tests and exams will be penalised for their action. This can result as a failed grade and should the issue persist, the students will face suspension.
Further information can be gleamed inn the plagiarism policy.

14. Confidentiality Assurance

Students’ passwords shall be sent directly to the number that is provided on file and indicated as to being their own. Lecturers, administration staff, parents and/or guardian will not have access to the password.
Parents and/or guardians’ passwords shall be sent directly to the number that is provided on file and indicated as to being their own. Lecturers, administration staff and students will not have access to the password.
Staff, faculty and lecturers with access to students’ information must treat it with the utmost confidentiality and comply with the POPI Act.

15. Impact Assessment

FIAL senior leadership Team shall conduct and impact assessment from time to time as new updates on the LMS are included to ensure for a smooth distance learning experience. The impact assessment shall seek the following:
  •  Determine that the LMS is an efficient tool for students who partake in distance learning.
  •  Review that distance learners uphold the values of integrity and transparency for their work or exams by fostering a sense of academic honesty.
  • Ensure that improvement and updates on the LMS are to the benefit of distance learners.

16. Review and Monitoring

This Policy shall be reviewed every three years, or as necessary, to ensure that it continues to meet the needs of FIAL and its stakeholders. Feedback from students, faculty, and staff will be used to inform any adjustments to the policy. The senior leadership team in consultation with board of FIAL shall overseeing the policy review process following the impact assessment report recommendations for changes.

17. Approval and Effective Date

This policy was approved by the FIAL Senior Leadership Team on 15 February 2024 and takes effect immediately.

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