

An Apparel Pattern Development Assistant uses a range of basic and complex blocks to produce a final pattern according to the design

and customer requirements.

The qualifying learner will be able to:

  • Identify customer needs, complete product specifications and technical drawings
  • Explain and sequence the processes involved in the design and development of a sewn product following garment construction practices.



This qualification forms part of the Occupational Certificate: Apparel Patternmaker and Grader and equips learners with the necessary

skills and competence to operate as an Apparel Pattern Development Assistant. The qualifying learner will be able to read and interpret

briefs or designs of a garment and creating a working pattern and a pre-production sample. The qualifying learner will be skilled and

capable of developing a final pattern according to the design and customer requirements, using both traditional and modern techniques,

materials and fabrics to produce aesthetically pleasing and fit for purpose consumer products.

Learners will find employment as Apparel Pattern Development Assistants. These skills will also open opportunities for further learning as

an Apparel Patternmaker and Grader or self-employment.

Target groups identified include school leavers with an NQF Level 4 qualification or persons working in the clothing industry without

formal qualifications and has the desire to formalise their skills and knowledge.

Employers will benefit from appointing qualified workers in terms of increased productivity and the ability to be competitive in the

international market and seek markets abroad, supplying quality manufactured apparel articles.


Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL):

  • RPL for access to the external integrated summative assessment.
  • Accredited providers and approved workplaces must apply the internal assessment criteria specified in the related curriculum document to establish and confirm prior learning. Accredited providers and workplaces must confirm prior learning by issuing a statement of result or certifying a work experience record.
  • RPL for access to the qualification.
  • Accredited providers and approved workplaces may recognise prior learning against the relevant access requirements.

Entry Requirements:

  • NQF 4 with Mathematical Literacy and Communication.


  • NQF Level 1 (AET Level 4) with a minimum of three years assessed experience as a pattern grader or design room assistant

Most Important

More information to come

Duration: 7 months
In-person learning: 5-7 hours every day except weekends
Course starting date: 10 February 2025
Application fee R420
Fee: R 45 000.00

In the event that management determines a course to be financially unviable, FIAL reserves the right to suspend or cancel it with short notice.

Payment Option 1:

Payment Amount
Application Fee R 420.00
First Installment R 9 500.00
Installments R 5 916.66 for 7 months
Payment Option 2:
Payment Amount
Application Fee R 420.00
Once-off Full payment R  (10% discount)

Fees include 2 CAD Software and Learning Materials.
Learners are to have their own laptop. Specifications will be confirmed upon acceptance.

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